Meet our UK & Ireland Patient Coordinator – Tania Pezzolesi-Clark

Hello and welcome! My name is Tania and I am delighted to be your UK & Ireland patient coordinator. I’m here to guide you through your cosmetic surgery journey and I will always be happy to assist you with any questions or queries you may have. I look forward to hearing from you.
Dr. Karlis Verdins, MD, Certified Cosmetic & Reconstructive surgeon, over 500 procedures annually

A highly acknowledged surgeon, with over 12 years’ experience in Cosmetic & Reconstructive surgery.
The surgeon performs over 500 procedures annually.
Specializes in:
· Breast augmentation with and without implants
· Breast lift (Mastopexy), Breast reduction
· Tummy tuck (Abdominoplasty)
· Eyelids, arm reduction
· Reconstructive microsurgical procedures, hand surgeries
12 Reasons to choose us
Predominantly English speaking medical team
Although there is an inevitable language barrier, the majority of our medical personnel have a good standard of English to ensure you feel as comfortable as possible during your cosmetic surgery journey with us.
A highly acknowledged cosmetic surgeon
Our head surgeon Dr Karlis Verdins MD, is highly acknowledged and has over 12 years of experience in cosmetic and reconstructive surgery. Dr Karlis Verdins MD performs in the region of 500 surgical procedures every year and annually attends cosmetic surgeon meetings and congresses.
Luxury treatment for less
5-star treatment for half the price of the UK. With us you get an equivalent or higher standard of care than that of a private clinic in the UK, for just a fraction of the cost.
UK and Ireland patient coordinator
You get your very own UK based patient coordinator, who is dedicated to making your cosmetic surgery journey run as smoothly and as efficiently as possible. From the first point of contact right through to your one year follow up. Your coordinator will always be happy to answer any questions or queries, no matter how big or small.
Fresh and comfortable recovery rooms
With our luxury, bright and spacious en suite rooms, you’re sure to feel comfortable and at home during your stay with us at Cosmetic Surgery Riga.
24-hour monitoring and medical care
During your stay with us in a beautiful private floor of Jurmala hospital, you will be monitored day and night by our highly commended and experienced nursing and medical team.
Prompt appointment system
We do everything possible to meet your needs regarding arranging appointments. We could be ready to accept you for cosmetic procedures within as little time as a week after your surgeon’s review.
Help and support every step of the way
Your patient coordinator will be available to assist you by telephone or email, right up until your one year follow up post-surgery.
We can accommodate you and a friend should you choose to bring one along
You don’t have to go it alone, we can arrange for you to bring a friend or partner along to stay with you throughout your stay with us, for company or support.
Surgeon’s liability insurance
Our hospital provides surgeon’s liability insurance, for each cosmetic surgeon operating up to the value of 30 000 Euro.
Cheap and direct flights to Riga
With convenient and direct flights to Riga from the UK, operated by Ryanair, Wizz air and Air Baltic daily you’ll never be too far away from your dream cosmetic procedure.
Our patient reviews speak for themselves
Don’t just take our word for it! Read some of our glowing patient reviews.
Tummy Tuck abroad!
Everything You Should Know About Tummy Tuck Surgery
What is a “tummy tuck”? An Abdominoplasty, commonly known as the “tummy tuck”, is a procedure during which excess fat and skin is removed from the abdominal region. During the procedure the muscles of the abdomen are tightened and sagging skin is excised. The flatter, more toned abdominal area that emerges enables people to feel more confident and comfortable about their looks, reinvigorates their relationship with their wardrobe and heightens their overall sense of self-esteem.
Why do People Undergo This Procedure?
There are a number of reasons why individuals may elect to have this type of procedure. In fact even people with an average BMI or of otherwise normal weight and proportions may elect to have the procedure. Some of the most common reasons for undergoing a tuck include:
- You have a saggy belly that naturally protrudes.
- Your belly still protrudes after losing weight.
- Your abdominal muscles are stretched and you have excess skin after pregnancy.
- You have lost significant weight and now have excess skin hanging from your midsection.
- The process of aging has resulted in loose, unsightly skin in your abdominal region.
Who Are the Best Candidates For this Procedure?
The procedure may be performed on men and women in good physical shape with any of the above listed concerns. This type of excess skin removal should not be confused with liposuction, although your surgeon may perform liposuction as part of the procedure should he deem it expedient and necessary. Since the procedure typically results in a more toned, tighter abdominal region women whose abdominal muscles have been stretched as a result of multiple pregnancies often undergo the procedure, as do men and women who have lost significant weight and wound up with residual loose skin or fat in the stomach area.
Who is Not a Good Candidate?
Tummy tightening is not necessarily recommended for women who plan to have children (either their first or additional children) because the vertical muscles of the abdomen are tightened during the procedure and these tightened muscles may wind up being separated again during pregnancy. In addition people who are still in the process of losing weight should wait until they have achieved their weight loss goals before undergoing tummy tucks. And lastly, if you have a history of fluctuating weight you may want to reconsider having this procedure. The staff at Cosmetic Surgery Riga can go over all your options with you.
The Benefits of the Procedure
Tummy tuck surgery removes residual fat and skin and tightens the muscles of the abdominal region in the process. This is a cosmetic procedure although one that is not without potential medical benefits. This is one of the fastest growing types of cosmetic surgery precisely because it provides such a range of possible benefits to the patient. Those potential medical benefits include:
- Better Posture via Improved Abdominal Tone – Following significant weight loss and/or multiple pregnancies the muscles of the abdomen can lose tone and become distended. Diet and exercise alone are not sufficient to correct this situation. This procedure tightens these weakened muscles at the same time it removes the fat and loose skin after weight loss or pregnancy. Restoring weak abdominal muscles can also play a significant role in restoring good posture. And better posture, in turn, can play an important role in alleviating many types of back pain.
- Relief From Stress Urinary Incontinence – Following a standard vaginal birth some women develop what is known as SUI or Stress Urinary Incontinence. SUI is an affliction that can result in a loss of bladder control or “leakage” while coughing, laughing, sneezing or exercising. While SUI is most often treated without surgery stomach tightening has been known to alleviate the condition in some women either simply by way of allowing greater muscle control or by way of purposely creating a minor bladder obstruction during the procedure to relieve the incontinence.
- Correcting a Ventral Hernia – Ventral hernias typically manifest themselves following significant weight loss, appendectomies or C-sections. A ventral hernia occurs when intestinal tissue protrudes through the abdominal wall and forms a sack. The presence of this protruding sack can have a number of negative long term effects and so should not be left to fester.
Complications and Side Effects
No surgical procedure is without potential complications and side effects and that goes for loose skin removal surgery as well. There will be pain and swelling in the days immediately following surgery. In some cases the doctor may prescribe painkillers to alleviate the discomfort. While the pain will likely subside within a few days there may be lingering soreness for several weeks afterward. This is nothing to worry about and is a natural result of the changes that have been implemented in the structure of your abdominal region. In addition you may experience a sense of fatigue for a period following the procedure but again this is nothing to be overly concerned about.
As for complications any surgical procedure carries with it the risk of infection. And while infection is rare with this type of surgery it is possible, so be aware. Bleeding may also occur under the skin flap or you may develop blood clots that could travel to the lungs. Patients with a history of diabetes, heart disease or generally poor circulation may be at greater risk for such complications. Depending on your overall condition and the state of your immune system you may be slower to heal than others and this may result in slightly more significant scarring than would typically be expected. In extremely rare cases poor healing may call for a second procedure.
Is it Safe?
When it comes to healthy patients who display few or no known risk factors this type of surgery is considered very safe and effective and has a low rate of serious complications. As such, and because this is a cosmetic procedure, the decision to have it or not will be driven almost entirely by personal rather than medical concerns. In order to insure a happy outcome it’s also important that you partner with an experienced surgical team and you’ll find none more experienced than the team at Cosmetic Surgery Riga. The bottom line is that you will need to decide whether the potential benefits outweigh the potential risks and whether the tummy tuck surgery cost is one you’re willing to bear.
Different Type of Tummy Tucks
Each patient is different, coming from a different starting point with their own physiology, health concerns and aesthetic goals. As such exactly which type of procedure will be best for you is something that will be determined after consultation with medical staff at Cosmetic Surgery Riga. There are essentially 3 types of abdominal surgery currently practiced. They are:
- The Mini Tuck – The mini tummy tuck employs less extensive surgery yet results in a markedly flatter, more toned lower abdominal region. This procedure, also called the “apronectomy” involves a single incision made just about the pubic area. The surgeon uses this incision as an access point through which he tightens loose muscles and removes residual fat and excessive skin. One of the primary benefits of the mini tummy tuck is a shorter, less obvious scar, typically just a few inches in length. It’s a relatively simple and low impact way to acquire a flatter, smoother abdomen and the mini tummy tuck cost is also less than for the full procedure. Results will be obvious every time you put on a swimsuit or form fitting outfit.
- The Full Tuck – This is the standard or “classic” tummy tuck operation that addresses fat, flabby skin and weakened musculature along the entire abdominal wall. In most cases this type of procedure will yield the most satisfying results. A u-shaped or horizontal incision is typically made just above the pubic mound through which your surgeon removes excess skin and fat and tightens the muscles of the abdominal region. In some cases the surgeon may make a secondary incision around the belly button intended to allow him to remove excessive skin above the navel and restore a natural appearance.
In most cases the tummy tuck scar that results from the full procedure is similar in character to that resulting from the mini abdominoplasty or apron procedure. The difference being that the scar from the full procedure is longer. In most cases however the scar, regardless of length, can be effectively hidden beneath a bathing suit bottom. In general you can expect to have a much flatter, smoother, more aesthetically pleasing abdominal region as a result of this procedure. One that is not only more attractive but stronger and more taut as well.
- The Extended Tuck – The extended version is usually recommended for those who have experienced substantial weight loss and now have large volumes of skin hanging from the front portion of their midsection. Women who have had multiple children are also often good candidates for this type of expanded procedure. This kind of procedure is similar to those already described except that it involves a longer incision, which may or may not be effectively hidden by a swimsuit bottom. If it’s not a single piece suit typically does the trick and still allows you to show off your new flat stomach.
Step by Step Description of the Procedure
The classic operation to remove belly fat unfolds according to the following steps:
Step 1: Anaesthesia – A general anaesthesia is administered by a certified anaesthesiologist. This will ensure your safety and comfort throughout the procedure. The anaesthesia may be administered either in an intravenous form or in a general form. Your surgeon will recommend the best type for you. Once you are under the influence of the anaesthesia the procedure will commence. Surgery usually takes 2 to 2 ½ hours, depending on the particulars of your case.
Step 2: The Incision – The first thing the surgeon does once the patient is anesthetized is to make the incision through which he will work. The exact length of this incision will depend on which type of procedure you are undergoing.
Step 3: Removal and Repair – Once the incision is made the surgeon begins removing excess fat and skin and tightening the weakened muscles of the abdominal wall. Liposuction may also be performed during this part of the procedure. Once the excess tissue has been removed the upper skin of the abdominal region is pulled down over the lower as if a window shade. Excess skin is trimmed away and the remaining skin sutured back together.
Step 4: The Navel – Once the surgeon has finished with the lower abdominal region he may turn his attention to the navel, making a small incision above the belly button and removing excess tissue there as well. Although, as with liposuction and tummy tuck, this may not be called for with every patient.
Step 5: The Incisions are Closed – All incisions are closed using either adhesives, clips, tape or sutures. Whichever method the surgeon finds most efficacious.
Step 6: Enjoy the Tummy Tuck Results – Immediately after the procedure you will be removed to the recovery room and observed for a period of time to ensure there are no complications. You’ll then moved to your room. Within just a few days you’ll be able to fully enjoy the fruits of your efforts as your new, flatter, smoother abdomen will be there for you to see and appreciate.
The Tummy Tuck Recovery Process
As we mentioned the worst of the pain associated with the procedure should lessen fairly rapidly after surgery. After that you’ll be dealing with soreness which might linger for several weeks. That said there will be bandages or other dressings applied to your incisions after surgery and small tubes might be installed beneath your skin in order to drain off fluids that might collect around the wound. Should that be the case you’ll be given clear instructions how to deal with all aspects of the bandaging and/or any drains, along with instructions on how and when to take any medications and warning signs to look for that may indicate an infection. All in all though, tummy tuck recovery time is typically fairly short and mostly requires patience.
Life After the Tummy Tuck
Most cases this is performed as an outpatient procedure with the patient typically going home the same day. However, at Cosmetic Surgery Riga you will get to stay in one of our beautiful recovery rooms overnight!
- Returning to Work – When you return to work will depend mostly on how physically strenuous your job is. In most cases you should be able to return to work anywhere from 2 to 4 weeks following the procedure. Should you work in an office it will likely be closer to 2 weeks. Should you work in construction it will be more like 4 weeks, perhaps a bit longer.
- Taking Care of Your Kids – Raising young kids is a physically strenuous job. As such you’ll want to arrange for post-operative help with the kids before the procedure. Lifting even a small child just days after a tummy tuck could result in stretching the site of the incision which may cause bleeding, swelling or other complications. We can’t stress this enough: have someone to help with the kids in the weeks following this type of surgery. Of course if the kids are older and better able to take care of themselves it will make things much easier on you as they can help you by doing the grocery shopping, cleaning up around the house and perhaps even cooking some simple dinners.
- Making Sure the Results Stick – The results you’ll see from your tummy tuck are not meant to be temporary. They’re designed to be a long term solution. If you are patient and cautious during your recovery and don’t regain lost weight after the procedure you’ll be able to enjoy your smoother, stronger mid-section for years to come. If, however, weight gain or pregnancy after tummy tuck occurs it will undermine the results of your procedure. If you plan on having more children you’d be well advised to wait on this type of procedure. Likewise if you have a history of weight fluctuation. Remember this is a potentially life-changing procedure and should never be taken lightly. And as with many important decisions, timing is everything.
Tummy Tuck Prices in Various European Capitals
Below is a comparison table showing the average tummy tuck cost in various European cities.
The above figures represent the average tummy tuck costs in the various cities listed including the tummy tuck price UK. As such the answer to the question “how much does a tummy tuck cost?” in a given hospital or clinic will likely be either slightly higher or slightly lower than what you see above.
Benefits of Having Your Tummy Tuck at Cosmetic Surgery Riga
The abdominoplasty prices listed above demonstrate that there are certainly financial advantages to having your procedure at Cosmetic Surgery Riga. But saving money isn’t the only reason to call our UK patient coordinator and schedule your tummy tuck with us.
While the financial advantages of having your procedure in Latvia should be fairly obvious there are a number of other advantages and benefits as well. Riga itself has emerged from decades of obscurity to once again take its rightful place in the European narrative. It’s a city rich in tradition and one with one of the most robust digital infrastructures in the world. It’s clean, peaceful, beautiful and engaging on every meaningful level. When you opt to have your excess skin removal surgery at Cosmetic Surgery Riga you’ll be able to take advantage of our:
- World class surgeons – Our surgical staff at Cosmetic Surgery Riga is comprised of some of the most highly respected surgeons in this part of the world. They have vast experience with this type of surgery and provide a level of service that is the equal of anything you’ll find in London, Manchester, Liverpool or anywhere else in the UK or beyond. You might assume the surgeons in London are a cut above, but you’d be mistaken.
- Very little waiting – It’s no secret that the NHS waiting lists can be formidable. With some types of surgery you’ll have to wait a year or even more. At Cosmetic Surgery Riga you can schedule your loose skin surgery today and undergo the procedure just a few weeks from now. It’s that simple, that fast. No more spending months counting the days. Just contact our UK patient coordinator and in no time you’re on your way to the flat, firm stomach you’ve been hoping for.
- Unmatched patient care – From the moment you land in Riga you’ll be aware that things here are different. You’ll be picked up at the airport and driven to your hotel. When you arrive at the clinic you’ll be greeted by our bilingual staff who will make you feel welcome and relaxed. You’ll talk to your surgeon who will inform you of exactly what to expect and make you feel at ease. And your tummy tuck procedure will take place in a world-class operating theatre. Afterward you’ll be treated with care and consideration and the staff will make sure everything is in order before you are discharged.
- Closer than you think – Most folks from Western Europe don’t have any idea just how close Latvia is. The fact is you can have breakfast in London and lunch in Riga. It’s that close. A mere 2 ½ hours by air. Your procedure will be performed at our sister facility, the Jurmala Hospital in Riga, considered by many to be one of the most outstanding medical facilities in this part of continental Europe. Should you need to stay overnight you’ll find the rooms large and comfortable and outfitted with all the latest technology to make your stay easier and more relaxing.
- Riga – In recent years Riga has been rediscovered by the world. A city that had long been ensconced behind the iron curtain today plays host to more than 5 million visitors per year who arrive by land, air and via one of the busiest passenger seaports anywhere in Europe. Art, culture, amazing culinary delights and more await the visitor in Riga. Like most of our patients you’ll come for the first-class medical care and come back for the city and its people.
When you decide to have the loose skin on your stomach removed at Cosmetic Surgery Riga you’re making a wise financial and medical decision that will have a positive impact on the quality of your life for years to come. You’ll receive unparalleled care in a world-class facility that is the equal of anything the NHS has to offer. And you’ll have your surgery now. When you want it. Not a year or more from now. So don’t delay. Contact our UK patient coordinator today and start the process of achieving a healthier, happier you.
Another Word or Two About Riga
Riga is a rarity among modern cities in that it thoroughly embraces the present without ever turning its back on the past. The city centre is acknowledged as a UNESCO World Heritage Site and replete with unmatched and unique architectural treasures and an atmosphere that needs to be experienced to be fully appreciated. For 2,000 years there have been people living here. During the Middle Ages Riga became a vital link in the vast Nordic trading system and today it is once again at the heart of the Northern European economy. Numerous EU agencies have offices here and the city has played host to NATO summits and world class sporting events. It was also named a European Capital of Culture in 2014. Most people who visit Riga for the first time make it a point to return and bring family and friends. Chances are you will too!
- How much pain is actually associated with this type of surgery? – Because the midsection is so important to overall physiology any type of surgery that takes place in the abdominal region is going to result in some pain. However the amount of pain a given patient experiences will vary depending on which type of tummy tuck they underwent, their physical condition, age and any mitigating factors.
- Will the scars from this type of surgery fade away? – The fact that tummy tucks generate scars is no secret and is a fact you will need to consider before undergoing this procedure. In virtually all cases tummy tuck scars can be hidden away beneath a swimsuit bottom. And while they will probably fade somewhat in time it is unlikely they will ever disappear entirely. Most people who undergo the procedure however consider it a more than equitable trade-off for having a flat, firm stomach.
- Is there much swelling after tummy tucks? – Tummy tucks invariably generate some swelling. There’s no way around it. However, swelling, pain and stiffness tend to dissipate fairly quickly after surgery with only some soreness lingering for a few weeks afterward.
- How to get a tummy tuck on the NHS? – Because tummy tucks are cosmetic surgery it’s not easy to have a tummy tuck on NHS. Unlikely doesn’t necessarily mean impossible though and so it may be worth exploring this option before you schedule your procedure with Cosmetic Surgery Riga. Having cosmetic surgery on the NHS will be difficult to arrange but if you’d like to know more make sure to bring it up when you talk to our UK patient coordinator.
- How long before I will see results? – Once any swelling subsides you’ll see the difference in your new stomach. Be patient. It might take a few days or it might take a week or so to really be able to appreciate the results of your procedure.
- Am I too old for abdominoplasty? – There is no set cut off age when it comes to this type of surgery. People over 60 and even over 70 routinely undergo tummy tucks. More important than your age is your reason for having the procedure (it’s not a substitute for a well-considered weight loss plan for instance) and your overall level of health.
- Am I too fat for this type of procedure? – That depends on your body structure and the distribution of fat. Doctors will make a case by case assessment. One of the primary considerations the surgeon will weigh is whether they can effectively repair and restore the muscles of the abdominal midline. As a general rule if you can grab and shake a handful of fat you may be eligible for this kind of surgery. Conversely if what you have is a ‘beer belly’, this type of surgery likely would not be for you.
- How long do tummy tucks last? – As mentioned earlier tummy tucks are designed to last for the long term and they likely will as long as you don’t experience significant weight gain after the procedure. As you age you can expect there will be some relaxation of the muscles and tissue in the area but things should not return to their pre-surgical state as long as you stay in shape and don’t have children.
The tummy tuck has provided untold numbers of people the world over with a new lease on life. If you are considering this type of surgery for yourself contact our UK & Ireland patient coordinator Tania Pezzolesi-Clark today on 07704995709 or 02071019514. She’ll answer any questions you may have and be able to book an appointment for your procedure as well. A trimmer, healthier you is just a phone call away.